Hand pumps come in all shapes and sizes. There are single speed or two speed hand pumps, single acting and double acting hand pumps, steel or aluminium hand pumps and there are a wide range of reservoir sizes and pressures available as well. So how do you choose the right hand pump for you?
A commonly asked question is “I need a 10 ton (or any particular size) hand pump”. Realistically a hand pump is simply a tool to generate pressure and flow, so if you have enough oil you can lift any load. So how do you know what is enough oil for your application? Below we will walk you through some of the best questions you need to ask to find the perfect hand pump for you.
Do I want a hand pump for more than one job or application?
Hand pumps can be used for a variety of applications. You need to decide if you want a hand pump that is suitable for just one application or one for multiple applications (like a one size fits all). Of course it is easiest to just to size for one job, however by selecting too small of a pump may mean you are limited in your applications.
Am I planning on carrying the hand pump from job to job?
If you do require the hand pump for more than one job, and you will be carrying it from place to place, perhaps having a lightweight aluminium pump is better than a steel option. Aluminium hand pumps are around 50% lighter however, not suitable for all applications. For example you cannot use aluminium hand pumps in underground mining sites.
Is there any free lift in the load or is it all going to be all under pressure?
This is important, as it will help determine whether you require a single speed or a 2 speed hand pump. A 2 speed hand pump is great if you have free travel, like when you need to extend your cylinder to the load on a press. If you are going to be using the entire stroke of the cylinder to lift, then there is no need for a 2 speed pump.
How much oil is in the cylinder or tool I want to use this hand pump on?
If you don’t have enough oil in the pump, the cylinder or tool will not extend fully or build full pressure. Things to remember include always allowing more oil for your hose, and if you choose a double acting cylinder keep in mind it will return oil to your pump’s reservoir.
How slow or fast do I want the cylinder or tool to move?
Selecting the right flow rate is very important for your choice of hand pump. In order to do this you need to know how fast you need the cylinder or tool to move. Extending a cylinder or tool quickly may be good if you’re pushing, but if you’re pressing a bearing or lifting a heavy load, sometimes slower is better.
How many times do I want to pump the handle on the hand pump?
The cheapest option isn’t always the most convenient option when it comes to hand pumps in action. To move a 20t cylinder just 25mm, some hand pumps may take over 60 pumps. Imagine if you are using a 150mm stroke cylinder… That’s over 360 pumps! Keep in mind how long it will take to pump, and how much energy it will consume before buying on price alone.
As you can see there are many factors in selecting the right hand pump for you. At Boss Hydraulics we have a variety of hand pumps from 210 bar up to 2000 bar. To check out our range of aluminium and steel hand pumps click here or contact us here to speak to one of our knowledgeable staff about finding the best hand pump for your application today.